
Expanding Innovation on Income

Stella’s Circle has been co-developing a new Employment Support Stability Pilot Project with provincial government and Choices For Youth since winter 2023. We’re happy to share that this project is now expanding to all income support participants province-wide.

People who receive income support in Newfoundland and Labrador who begin a new job or continue to work can now keep more of their earnings and immediately experience increased financial supports and benefits from working.

Almost 40 participants in the pilot no longer need income support to supplement their earnings. By working more, participants engaged in the workforce or who have increased their hours of work now have higher overall monthly incomes.

“The Employment Stability Pilot expansion is a shift towards progressive, person-centered policy. When community organizations are given the opportunity to uplift the voices of participants; and when partners in government are open to hearing those voices; we’ve proven we can work together to make the system better to support community members. These improvements to Income Support province-wide will empower people to make the changes they seek in their lives.” – Laura Winters, CEO, Stella’s Circle

Read more about the expansion announcement HERE.