We address the need for safe affordable housing.
Safe and stable housing is key to wellbeing. Without a home, staying well and finding work is much harder. That’s why we follow a Housing-First approach in everything we do.
We accept self-referrals or referrals from others, including health care providers, counseling agencies, government services, or family and friends of individuals needing housing support.
I know staff at Naomi Centre got my back, you’ve never given up on me. Even when I have.
Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre
Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre is a lifeline for people looking for stable housing. Our walk-in service connects those experiencing homelessness with Stella’s Circle housing and other rental options. We also work to prevent evictions, helping people stay safe and secure in their homes.

Located at 84 Prescott Street, the Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am – 4:30pm. We invite anyone to drop in to ask our staff questions or use our resources to search for housing.
Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre
St. John’s, NL
A1C 3S9
Naomi Centre
Naomi Centre is the only emergency shelter in Newfoundland and Labrador for young women and gender-diverse people ages 18-29. We provide safe, temporary housing using a harm-reduction approach. Our staff offer personalized housing support to both current and former residents of Naomi Centre.

“I am able to be a parent to my son because of the help I got from Naomi Centre staff.
We are proud to be the third-largest provider of affordable housing in Newfoundland and Labrador, with 133 units and counting. Many of our units are supportive housing, where tenants can access dedicated staff for wrap-around support.
Stella’s Circle provides mentoring and related assistance to many community organizations across the province and is a founding member of End Homelessness St. John’s.
Things changed a lot for me over the years and I lived in a lot of places. It’s nice to have my own place and I love it. I can finally call somewhere “home.”