Our Difference

Stella’s Circle believes in inclusion and justice for everyone. We serve marginalized individuals, each with their own goals and needs.

To help them reach their full potential, we offer all of our services with:

Social Justice Lens

We look at everything we do to make sure that it’s fair and equal. We challenge unfair practice and push for changes that promote justice.

Housing-First Philosophy

We believe that having a home is a basic human right. Our first step in helping people is to make sure they have stable, long term housing.

Trauma-Informed Care

We know that past trauma can impact people’s daily lives. Our programs are sensitive to these experiences, offering care that supports healing.

Person-Centred Approach

Every person we help is unique. We tailor our support to meet the individuals needs and goals of each person. 

We strive for a community where every belongs, where people can reach their full potential, and where we work together to remove barriers that hold people back. 

Stella’s Circle helps provide real, long lasting solutions and support for people to create their own brighter future.