Home to Stay, a social enterprise of Stella’s Circle, has the expertise to make your home or business age-friendly and to help with small renovations or odd jobs. We offer professional modification services that are individualized to your needs.
Do you know a senior wanting to continue to live independently at home? Someone with mobility challenges who wants to move safely around the house? We can help!
Our services include:
- Installation of grab bars or handrails;
- Widening of doorways;
- Bathroom modifications;
- Improved lighting;
- Falls prevention recommendations;
- and more!
[email protected]
Take a look at our Home Modifications and Community Support Toolkit to see what sort of modifications can be helpful as people age and move safely in their community.
Click HERE to see the Home Modifications and Community Support Toolkit.
As a social enterprise, all of our revenue goes back to employment programs at, Stella’s Circle. In fact, we use Home to Stay to help train participants in the trades. Participants work alongside of our trained staff to learn new job skills so that they can enter the workforce and gain independence. Home to Stay helps give them the hand up they need to realize their fullest potential.